Monday, November 9, 2009

The truth about Forever(50-102)

I am really enjoying The truth about forever by Sarah Dessen so far. I am not as far as I would like to be because I have been busy with other things this past week. In the book where I have read up to Macy is just talking about her job working in the library and how much she misses her boyfriend. Also, throughout this novel she brings up her dad and all the memories of her and her dad which usually involve running.
" As for me, I wasn't much for sneaking out, first because I was a jock and always has early practice, and then because Jason and I just didn't do stuff like that. I could only imagine how he'd react if I asked him to pick me up at midnight at the stop sign. Why? he'd say. Nothing would be open, I have yoga in the morning, God, Macy, honestly. And so on. He'd be right, of course. The sneaking out, the partying, all those long nights doing God-knows-what, were Caroline things. She'd taken them with her when she left, and there was no place for them here now. At least in my mind." (54)
This passage from the book tells us a lot about the main character Macy, and her boyfriend. They are the good couple that always dot the right things and follow all the rules. Unlike her sister Caroline who is the party child and the bad child. Every family has a child that is like Macy and one that is like Caroline. For example in my family by brother is definitely more like Macy.